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Rules & Expectations

In Miss Slack's class we SCORE!


Safe: stay in our own personal space, mind our own business, walk at all times.
Communicate: Use appropriate voice levels, use kind words and manners, raise your hand when you would like to speak or get up from your seat.
Open-Minded: be open to new ideas & processes, listen to all thoughts and opinions.
Respectful: be kind, be an active listener, treat others as you would like to be treated, follow reasonable requests given by your teacher without hesitation.
Engage in Excellence: Work hard and always try your best!!! Demonstrate RRK!!!

Have self respect:
Self-respect means that you value yourself. You feel that you are a worthwhile person and you have self-esteem. You count on people to
treat you in a kind and caring way.

Respect others:
If you respect someone else, you are interested in them as a person. You honor and value them. You act in a kind and caring ways toward them. This kind of respect shows up in what you say and how you say it. If you respect someone you will speak in a kind and caring way. Your tone of voice and your behavior will have a nice quality when you are respectful.

Respect property:
Respect for property is how you treat things. Care for things in class like you'd care for your own personal stuff…in a thoughtful and considerate way. It is treating other people's property and public property as if they were your own.

Respect this learning environment
- Everyone deserves to feel safe in class, saying unkind things to others in class is unacceptable
- Everyone deserves to be able to hear what the teacher is teaching
- Everyone does their part, pulls their own weight, and is part of the crew not just a passenger along for the ride. 

 Taking charge of your own learning:
- Come to school
- Show up to class on time
- Come prepared for class with your Binder and a pen and pencil
- Completing assignments on time
- take good notes, study for tests/quizzes
- Actively listen and follow directions
- Taking responsibility for your own mistakes or failures
-Performing to the best of your ability
- Recognizes the importance of parents and teachers as learning partners but recognizing you have to pull your own weight
- Phones are off and away during the day

Do your own work:
Don't plagiarize! Claiming someone else's work as your own is dishonest and has sever consequences. These consequences can result in loss of a grade for that assignment, failing the course, being expelled from school. In most instances it's recorded on your school record and can follow your academic career through out college. It's just not worth it! Don't do it!

Learn to Self Advocate:
-  effectively communicate, convey, negotiate or assert his or her own interests, desires, needs, and rights in a respectful manner
- It involves making informed decisions and taking responsibility for those decisions
- It implies knowing your strengths, weaknesses, goals and interests and not allowing others to sway you unnecessarily.
- As a learner, it can become important for you to speak up to other students, your teachers or other adults to share an opinion, debate a position, disagree with a statement or request special consideration.
- Feeling comfortable with your ability to advocate for your needs or position improves your sense of confidence and competence as a learner.

Responsibility is learned
So... Practice it!

Treat others as you would
like to be treated!
- Lend a neighbor pencil or paper if they came unprepared
- Always speak kind words and avoid gossip 
- Keep your hands and everything else to yourself
- Hold the door open for someone
- Offer your neighbor help when they can't figure something out or look lost



Students who are not positively contributing to class can expect me to follow my progressive discipline steps:  

  • The student will be given a warning to redirect their behavior.

  • I will pull the student aside and talk to them.

  • I will relocate the student to another seat or separate them from the class, ex. pre-arranged time out. If the student is given a time out they will be given the chance to rejoin class if they can be respectful. (reflection sheets in the hall to be filled out when sent out of class)

  • If the problem persists a call will be made home and the student will be assigned detention (after school detention is held twice a month for 1 hour after school, missing detention will require the student to complete 2-1 hour sessions of detention, one hour writing and one hour performing community service in the classroom or around the school) Depending on the severity of the behavior I may choose to issue a referral at this point. 

  • The entire way through I will be documenting the discipline, if I have to go through steps 1-4 with a student repeatedly during different class periods then the documentation will be presented to administration and we will talk about ways in which to resolve the behavior, this could also result in a referral where the administrator implements further disciplinary measures.

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